Table of Contents:

1. When will Vietnamese citizens abroad be issued/reissued citizen identification cards?

2. Procedures for issuing/reissuing Vietnamese citizen identification cards abroad

3. How will Vietnamese citizens abroad who deliberately do not apply for/reissue citizen identification cards be handled?

1. When will Vietnamese citizens abroad be issued/reissued citizen identification cards?

According to Clause 1, Article 19, the Law on Citizen Identification 2014, the person who is granted a citizen identification card and the citizen identification card number is “Vietnamese citizens aged full 14 years or older are eligible for grant of citizen’s’ identity cards”.

Simultaneously, point b, Clause 2, Article 23, the 2014 Law on Citizen Identification stipulates the cases of exchanging and reissuing citizen identification cards for applicants:

“2. A citizen’s identity card shall be re-granted in the following cases:

b) The card holder has Vietnamese nationality restored under the Law on Vietnamese Nationality.”

To sum up, Vietnamese who living and working abroad, from 14 years of or older, have Vietnamese nationality or apply to have Vietnamese nationality restored, will be granted/reissued a new citizen identification card.

2. Procedures for granting/re-granting Vietnamese citizen identification cards abroad

2.1 Which agencies issue/re-issue citizen identification cards?

According to Article 26 of the Law on Citizen Identification 2014, places for carrying out procedures for grant, renewal and re-grant of citizen’s identity cards has specifically stipulated several competent agencies issue/re-issue Citizen Identification Cards and citizens can choose one of the following places to carry out procedures for granting, exchanging, and re-issuing Citizen Identification Cards as follows:

“1. The citizen identification management agency of the Ministry of Public Security;

2. Citizen identification management agencies of Public Security Departments of provinces and centrally run cities;

3. Citizen identification management agencies of Public Security Divisions of rural districts, urban districts, towns and provincial cities or equivalent administrative units;

4. When necessary, competent citizen identification management agencies shall carry out procedures for the grant of citizen identity cards at communes, wards, townships, agencies, units or citizens’ places of residence.”

2.2 What is the current procedure for issuing, exchanging, and reissuing citizen identification cards?

According to Article 11, Circular 59/2021/TT-BCA detailing the implementation of the Law on Citizen Identification and Decree No. 137/2015/ND-CP dated December 31, 2015, detailing several articles and measures to implement the Law on Citizen Identification, which was amended and supplemented by Decree No. 37/2021/ND-CP dated March 29, 2021, the steps for granting, exchanging, and re-granting Citizen Identification cards are outlined as follows:

“1. Citizens shall apply for issuance of Citizen Identity Cards at competent police authorities capable of receiving application for issuance, revision, re-issuance of Citizen Identity Cards in person.

2. The Public Security officer at the place where requests for granting, exchanging, and re-granting Citizen Identification cards are received collects citizen information: Searches citizen information in the national population database; Select the type of issuance and describes the identification characteristics; collects fingerprints; take a portrait photo; print the citizen identification information receipt form, the resident information collection form (if any), the resident information update and correction form (if any) for the citizen to check, sign and clearly state the full name; collect fees according to regulations; issue an appointment paper to return the settlement results.

3. Collect ID Cards, current Citizen Identity Cards in case citizens apply for conversion from ID Cards to Citizen Identity Cards or revision of Citizen Identity Cards.

4. Research Citizen Identity Card storage to verify citizen information (if any).

5. Process and approve applications for issuance, revision, re-issuance of Citizen Identity Cards.

6. Return Citizen Identity Cards and results of issuance, revision, re-issuance of Citizen Identity Cards. In case citizens register for returning Citizen Identity Cards to specific address, police authorities shall produce lists and cooperate with delivery service to implement while citizens shall pay delivery fees as per the law.”

2.3 How long does it take to issue/reissue a Citizen Identification Card?

According to Article 25 of the Law on Citizen Identification 2014, the Time limit for grant, renewal or re-grant of citizen’s identity cards is calculated from the date of receiving a complete application as prescribed in this Law. The citizen identification management agency must issue, exchange, and reissue a Citizen Identification Card to a citizen within the following time limit:

“1. Seven working days, in cities or towns, in case of grant and renewal; or 15 working days, in case of re-grant;

2. Twenty working days, in highland mountainous, border and island districts for all cases;

3. Fifteen working days, in remaining areas for all cases;

4. Based on the roadmap for administrative reform, the Minister of Public Security shall stipulate the shortening of the time limit for grant, renewal and re-grant of citizen identity cards.”

2.4 Fee levels for issuing/re-issuing Citizen Identification Cards?

The fee levels for issuing/re-issuing Citizen Identification Cards are specified in Article 4, Circular 59/2019/TT-BTC stipulating the collection levels, collection, payment, and management of fees for issuing Citizen Identification Cards.

“1. Citizens switching from 9-digit Identity Cards, and 12-digit Identity Cards to issuing Citizen Identification Cards: VND 30,000/Citizen Identification Card.

2. Changing Citizen Identification Cards